Sundueva Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Myagmars?ren Odmandakh
Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Mongolian State University of Education
Submitted: 31.07.2019
Abstract. The article deals with the preservation of the acquired Russian traditions of the Mongolian Buryats, considers ethnic peculiarities of the Baikal Russians in Mongolia and their relations with the Buryats. The analysis is carried out from the ethnographic viewpoint. There is no exact information about the Russians who arrived in Mongolia together with the Buryats, except for rare memoirs of old residents. So the authors, for the first time, have conducted a field research and gathered fragmented data on the destiny of the Russians who lived together with the Buryats. The paper provides some information about the Russian children adopted by the Mongolian families. Special attention is paid to "living" traditions examined from the viewpoint of ethnography and folklore studies.
Key words and phrases: традиции, русско-бурятские связи, русско-китайские семьи, усыновление, воспитание, traditions, Russian-Buryat relations, Russian-Chinese families, adoption, education
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