Romashkova Ol’ga Nikolaevna, Tulupov Vladimir Nikolaevich
Tambov State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after S. V. Rachmaninov
Submitted: 01.07.2018
Abstract. The article addresses the problems of the composer I. F. Stravinsky’s orchestral style in the neoclassical period of his work. By the example of the characteristics of the instrumentation of "The Fairy’s Kiss" ballet score the authors show what role copper and wooden wind instruments play. Among the variety of the orchestral techniques that characterize Stravinsky’s style the paper identifies the following: the system of leit-timbres, timbre personification, stage transformations by changing the timbre. The special role of orchestral means development is emphasized.
Key words and phrases: медные духовые инструменты, неоклассицизм, И. Ф. Стравинский, П. И. Чайковский, балет, оркестровые приёмы, brass wind instruments, Neoclassicism, I. F. Stravinsky, P. I. Tchaikovsky, ballet, orchestral techniques
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