Kochnev Evgenii Anatol’evich, Naumov Sergei Vasil’evich, Mishin Yurii Dmitrievich
Siberian Institute of International Relations and Regional Studies
Siberian Transport University
Submitted: 05.03.2018
Abstract. By the XXI century, terror has acquired a scale of global threat to social progress and can really become political global problem No. 1. Attention is drawn to the stability of the situation of terrorists, the expanding ranks and locations of deployment, the mobility, technical and financial state of terrorist groups. Therefore the study of the conditions for the expanded reproduction of terrorist activity, the ascertainment of the subject composition, its dynamics and clarity in the definition of "terror", "terrorism" acquire special topicality. The authors conduct the historical, logical and socio-cultural study of the process of terror metamorphosis in the context of its reproduction sustainability, focusing on the conditions and subjects of the terrorist movement.
Key words and phrases: террор, субъектный состав, условия воспроизводства террора, утрата автономности, глобализация, нигилизм, terror, subject composition, conditions for terror reproduction, loss of autonomy, globalization, nihilism
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