Bezvikonnaya Elena Vladimirovna
Omsk State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 16.06.2018
Abstract. The article is an attempt to assess the conditions and mechanisms for using synergetics as a postnonclassical paradigm of legal science with significant potential under the conditions of the polyconceptuality of developing the cognition theory of legal phenomena and processes. The subject area covers the cognitive potential of synergetics in the branches of public law. Public branches of law provide an opportunity to reveal the potential of synergetics methodology to the greatest extent, since they assume a wide range of subjects of law, priority of dispositive norms of legal regulation. The result of the study is the identification of limitations and prospects for the development of synergetics methodology in public law branches. It is noted that the main contradiction is the systemic nature of the branches of law, which allows them to maintain their relative stability and to ensure the timely resolution of conflicts. However, the widening gap between the formal norm and the actual mechanisms of law enforcement in public relations at the level of the state and municipalities entails a crisis of system methodology, an access to the potential of self-organization processes in the conditions of uncertainty and non-predictability of legal phenomena and processes.
Key words and phrases: публичные отрасли права, синергетика, самоорганизация, правовая реальность, народ, местное сообщество, народовластие, хаос, флуктуация, аттрактор, public branches of law, synergetics, self-organization, legal reality, people, local community, democracy, chaos, fluctuation, attractor
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