Khlebunova Aleksandra Sergeevna
Don State Technical University
Submitted: 17.04.2018
Abstract. Richard Wagner’s contribution to global knowledge is not only works and a different conception of opera, but also views on the rebirth of the society as a whole. Both Wagner’s supporters and his opponents in their desire to prove the correctness of their worldview are distracted from the analysis of the works and ideas that were founded by the thinker. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky possessed the ability to evaluate objectively both the personality of Wagner and his work, creating in the process of the dispute in absentia his conception of moral education. The paper shows the change in Tchaikovsky’s attitude to Wagner throughout his life, which became a "basis" for developing his own ideas.
Key words and phrases: синтез искусств, Чайковский, Вагнер, вагнерианство, искусство, драма, опера Вагнера, философия Чайковского, synthesis of arts, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Wagnerianism, art, drama, Wagner’s opera, Tchaikovsky’s philosophy
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