Nesterov Sergei Igorevich
Saratov State Conservatory
Submitted: 21.05.2018
Abstract. The article reveals the notion of the monologue genre reception. The author attempts to trace the adaptation of this notion, which penetrates from literary to musical genres. The paper identifies the genre determinants that appeared in the second half of the ХХ century in the works for the solo violin. For the first time in musicology the characteristic monological features are analyzed by the example of G. Litinsky’s "Monologue for the Solo Violin". As a result of the detailed analysis of the work the marking features of the genre with the inevitable innovative findings of the composer at the intonation, formative, concepttual levels are singled out.
Key words and phrases: монолог, монологичность, рецепция, Г. Литинский, сочинения для скрипки соло, ритмоблоки, полифункциональные аккорды, monologue, monologue nature, reception, G. Litinsky, compositions for the solo violin, rhythm blocks, polyfunctional chords
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