Burkhanov Rafael' Airatovich, Nikulina Ol'ga Vyacheslavovna
Surgut State University
Submitted: 20.05.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of Immanuel Kant’s transcendental metaphysics. It is shown that, according to his intention, such metaphysics can be created on the basis of critical attitude to dogmatic doctrines, inconsistency of which in their striving to know super-perceptional objects is obvious. It is noted that critical philosophy deals not with objects as such, perceptional or super-perceptional, but with the transcendental subject, and is an investigation of its abilities and their application limits. The authors emphasize that Kant opposed metaphysics of the transcendental to traditional metaphysics of the transcendent pretending to cognize super-experience and otherworldly "reality". However, he never created an integral metaphysical system confining himself to considering contradictions, with which mind is dealing while trying to leave the ground of experience and to construct an integral and complete picture of the universe. The heuristic significance of this metaphysical project revealed later, in non-classical and post-non-classical doctrines.
Key words and phrases: метафизика, догматизм, критицизм, трансцендентализм, чувственность, рассудок, разум, трансцендентальное, трансцендентное, имманентное, априорное, апостериорное, вещь в себе, явление, metaphysics, dogmatism, criticism, transcendentalism, perception, reason, mind, the transcendental, the transcendent, the immanent, a priori, a posteriori, thing in itself, phenomenon
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