Pu Jiang
Saint Petersburg University
Submitted: 07.04.2018
Abstract. The article describes Soviet assistance in the economic formation and development of China in the 1950s. The initial chaos and subsequent systemic nature of the support provided, its multidimensionality and stage-by-stage character are noted. The materials on the promotion of Northeast China by the Soviet Union prior to 1949 as the first step of Soviet-Chinese cooperation in the subsequent great decade are analyzed. The author presents reports on the fulfillment of the obligations of the USSR. The theme of scientific and technical cooperation between the countries is revealed, and the role of Soviet specialists in China’s economic recovery during the period under study is observed.
Key words and phrases: СССР, КНР, тяжелая промышленность, развитие экономики Китая, 1950-е гг, научно-техническая помощь, The USSR, The PRC, heavy industry, development of China’s economy, the 1950s, scientific and technical assistance
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