Cherezov Aleksandr Evgen’evich
Moscow City University
Submitted: 08.10.2018
Abstract. The article analyses the concept of narrative in a new aspect that has not been studied yet. A new paradigm of narratology is being put forward, which is the foundation of not only literary, fiction text, but of text in the broadest sense, defining the notion of life. We are talking about the transition of the analysis to the notion of genetic text in the form of a program that sets temporality, the meaning of the main stages in life development. Such texts, in contrast to literary ones, possess the fullness of meaning formation; they set the beginning, middle, self-actualization and final of life. The notion of cognitiveness, sense generation and creativity of an interpreting subject is fully applicable to them. The paper analyses the notion of life essence in the context of text-generation methodology, reproduction of the meaning of the text, which is represented by genetic programs in this case.
Key words and phrases: нарратив, текст, фрактальность, воспроизводство генома, сущность жизни как воспроизводство текста, масштабирование, социальная сублимация базовых паттернов, культура, социальный организм, онтогенез, филогенез, narrative, text, fractality, genome reproduction, essence of life as text reproduction, scaling, social sublimation of basic patterns, culture, social organism, ontogenesis, phylogenesis
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