Popov Denis Aleksandrovich
Saratov State University
Submitted: 15.10.2018
Abstract. The article analyses the place of Heinrich W?lfflin’s conception in the history of the methodology of studying art and the humanities. The Swiss scientist’s views reveal relationship with the ideas of structuralists, Max Weber, neo-Kantians, Wilhelm Dilthey. The theory of Heinrich W?lfflin, who is regarded as the predecessor of the listed authors, has a synthetic character and contains various methodological perspectives that were realized later in the XX century. Its internal inconsistency can be considered as its heuristic value, and its methodological potential has not been exhausted and can be used in contemporary art criticism.
Key words and phrases: Генрих Вёльфлин, методология, формальная школа, структурализм, художественные стили, история науки, искусствознание, Heinrich W?lfflin, methodology, formal school, structuralism, art styles, history of science, art criticism
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