Abstract. The article analyses the typological peculiarities of the pitch accent pattern of the traditional Kuban Nogai song tunes. The authors provide the theoretical justification of tone arrangement principles, their transformations, genre implementations and modern functioning. It is shown that the scales of the Kuban Nogai folk music are divided into anhemitonic and hemitonic (diatonic and chromatic), and each of them has certain structure and peculiarities of intra-tonal arrangement conditioned by temporal-phase and genre-style factors.
Key words and phrases: ангемитоника, гемитоника, диатоника, хроматика, ладозвукоряды, трихорды, тетрахорды, пентахорды, гексахорды, гептахорды, амбитус, внутриладовая организация, функционирование, anhemitonics, hemitonics, diatonicism, chromaticism, tonal scales, trichords, tetrachords, pentachords, hexachords, heptachords, ambitus, intra-tonal arrangement, functioning
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