Chikaeva Tat'yana Aleksandrovna
Moscow Art-Industrial Institute
Submitted: 01.10.2018
Abstract. The article applies to I. A. Ilyin’s philosophical heritage and analyses one of the key issues of his creative work - the problem of Motherland. The philosopher considers Motherland as spiritual reality, shrine, which possesses subjectivity and maternal gender. As a subject it is personified in all the personalities who consider it in such a way and manifests itself in the national mentality. Motherland is an integral part of empirical objects but is not reduced to them. The author concludes that I. A. Ilyin’s conceptions are relevant and can be considered as a basis for the social-philosophical definition of the "Motherland" conception.
Key words and phrases: И. А. Ильин, Родина, духовная реальность, святыня, акт духовного самоопределения, обретение Родины, личность, I. A. Ilyin, Motherland, spiritual reality, shrine, act of spiritual self-identification, Motherland acquiring, personality
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