Vyalykh Vladimir Vladimirovich
Orenburg State University
Submitted: 20.09.2018
Abstract. In the context of the modern global information society, the institutionalization of any practice of domination - democratic or authoritarian - is conditioned by the need to use information and communication technologies (ICT). This is not only due to the relevant value and world outlook orientations of the dominant subject but also due to the peculiarity of the information environment of the modern society, which forms prerequisites for the application of both democratic and authoritarian practices of controlling information and using ICT. Within the article, authoritarian trends in information discourse are considered not only as the derivatives of a certain type of political culture but also as a reaction of the dominant subject to the growing complexity of social reality associated with the increasing role of information and communication technologies in the individual’s and the society’s existence. Authoritarianism is not viewed as an unequivocally negative phenomenon, but as a stage in the evolution of domination practices, the institutionalization nature of which, on the one hand, forms new communication channels between the society and the dominant subject, on the other hand, represents new forms of authoritarian domination.
Key words and phrases: авторитаризм, мягкий авторитаризм, сетевой авторитаризм, культура, легитимность, властвование, authoritarianism, soft authoritarianism, networked authoritarianism, culture, legitimacy, domination
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