Orlova Elena Valentinovna
Orenburg State University
Submitted: 18.08.2018
Abstract. The article substantiates the relevance of fundamental and applied research in the framework of the systematization of the main aspects and forms of urban identity. Analysing the results of an empirical study of the city’s socio-cultural image in the perception of Orenburg inhabitants through the lenses of the notions "urban identity", "identity of the city", "identity with the city", the author demonstrates that the cause of weak urban identity is the lack of spatial experience, including the knowledge of social, cultural and historical uniqueness of the territory.
Key words and phrases: идентичность, социокультурное пространство, городская идентичность, город, социокультурное пространство города, образ города, город Оренбург, identity, socio-cultural space, urban identity, city, socio-cultural space of city, image of city, Orenburg
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