Magomedova Muslimat Alkhilaevna
Regional Centre for Ethnopolitical Research of Daghestan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 23.08.2018
Abstract. The article analyses the manifestations of religious-political extremism in the North Caucasus. The paper shows the main ideological differences between the representatives of traditional Islam and the Wahhabis. Despite significant work on conceptual and legislative support for countering religious-political extremism, threats of extremist ideology spread in the territory of the Republic of Dagestan remain. In the course of the study, the author offers practical recommendations on countering religious-political extremism.
Key words and phrases: религиозно-политический экстремизм, Северный Кавказ, Республика Дагестан, терроризм, противодействие экстремизму, идеология, пропаганда, Интернет, religious-political extremism, North Caucasus, The Republic of Dagestan, terrorism, extremism countering, ideology, propaganda, Internet
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