Specialization of literature by means of interdisciplinary integration
Nikolaeva Elena Anatolyevna
Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics
Submitted: 02.07.2024
Abstract. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of applying interdisciplinary integration with local history in a literature course for students receiving education in the field of Service and Tourism within the framework of solving the problem of specializing literature as a general education subject in implementing programs for training specialists of secondary vocational education. The scientific novelty lies in developing a methodology for applying interdisciplinary integration of literature and local history for students in the field of Service and Tourism, which contributes to the specialization of literature. The article provides a characteristic of the integrative approach and interdisciplinary integration, examines existing approaches to the integration of local history and literature; presents sections of thematic planning in literature reflecting the local history aspect of the Nizhny Novgorod region, identifies and characterizes the principles of constructing an integrative lesson, proposes methods and forms of working with students in secondary vocational education programs aimed at specializing literary material. In addition, evaluation materials were developed and described for conducting a methodological experiment to determine the effectiveness of applying interdisciplinary integration and the presented methods and forms of teaching. The results of the experiment conducted among students receiving secondary vocational education were positive, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in solving the problem of specializing literature.
Key words and phrases: интегративный подход, межпредметная интеграция, профилизация общеобразовательных дисциплин, краеведение, среднее профессиональное образование, integrative approach, interdisciplinary integration, specialization of general education disciplines, local history, secondary vocational education
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