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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 5. P. 397-404.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Pedagogical Sciences
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Meaning-oriented approach to the description of semantic fields in Russian as a foreign language classes (by the example of the semantic field “Love”)

Epifanova Valentina Valerjevna
Lomonosov Moscow State University

Submitted: 01.04.2024
Abstract. The article provides an overview of Russian linguo didactic works devoted to the adaptation of the system of typical meanings in the form of lexical functions (in the terminology of I. A. Melchuk and A. K. Zholkovsky) to practical classes in a foreign language audience. The aim of the conducted research is to adapt the system of typical meanings to the presentation and practice of lexical material of the semantic field “Love” in Russian as a foreign language classes (RFL). The novelty of the conducted research lies in the development of the theory of using the system of typical meanings in the educational process in RFL classes from the standpoint of not only stable, but also word-formation means. This approach makes it possible to reassess the prospects for studying lexical compatibility, idiomatics and morphological modifications of Russian words in the aspect of RFL. Own materials are proposed for teaching foreign learners to combine and modify Russian words from the standpoint of the onomasiological approach (from meanings to ways of expressing them) within the semantic field “Love”. As a result of the research, the most frequently used semantic parameters describing love relationships between their participants are demonstrated, and the most universal ways of expressing a particular typical meaning are listed from the standpoint of receptive and productive speech actions. The approach presented in the work allows foreign students to successfully carry out the process of speech creation in Russian with a more accurate transmission of the given meanings, significantly increasing the language competence of the learners.
Key words and phrases: семантическое поле, лексическая функция-параметр, адаптация системы типовых значений, семантическое поле «Любовь», semantic field, lexical function-parameter, adaptation of typical meanings, the semantic field “Love”
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