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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 5. P. 457-464.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Pedagogical Sciences
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The introduction of virtual reality technology into the educational process of the higher education system

Bakanova Irina Gennadievna, Dudovich Daria Leonidovna
Samara State Transport University; Samara State Technical University; Samara State Medical University

Samara National Research University

Submitted: 06.04.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify modern technology – virtual reality (VR technology) in order to define positive and negative pedagogical aspects, analyze the current situation of using VR technologies in some universities of the country. The article examines the domestic and foreign literature on the current situation, which is characterized by turbulence, uncertainty and the rapidly changing role of a man in society. The Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 is of great interest, as it changes the landscape of many professions and dictates requirements regarding the quality of education. A large flow of information, close human interaction with digital technologies contribute to the development of clip thinking. The education system is designed to take into account current trends, as well as to provide students with a set of competencies, hard and soft skills, systemic thinking and fundamental knowledge. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the authors identified the need for the development of systemic thinking and the possibility of its formation through the use of VR technologies, described ways of using virtual reality, contributing to the improvement of professional skills, as well as imagination, memory, cognitive abilities, allowing to produce non-standard solutions. As a result of the study, it was found that the education system can no longer fully rely on traditional teaching methods, it must look for more effective and modern ways of interacting with students. One of these methods is virtual reality. The article considers examples of the use of VR technologies in the educational process of higher education in the medical, transport and engineering fields, shows the influence of virtual reality on the development of professional and personal competencies.
Key words and phrases: навыки XXI века, мягкие навыки, твердые навыки, виртуальная реальность, клиповое мышление, применение VR-технологий в высшей школе, 21st century skills, soft skills, hard skills, virtual reality, clip thinking, use of VR technologies in higher education
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