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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 3. P. 269-275.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Pedagogical Sciences
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Criterion-based assessment of the formation of professionally significant values in future language and literature teachers

Kudrejko Irina Aleksandrovna
Donetsk State University

Submitted: 12.02.2024
Abstract. The research aims to develop a criterion-based assessment tool to determine the level of formation of the system of professionally significant values in future language and literature teachers to enhance their professional training. The paper describes the assessment criteria, identifies indicators, and selects measures to determine the level of formation of the system of professionally significant values in future language and literature teachers. The research is novel in that it is the first to propose assessment criteria for the formation of the system of professionally significant values in future language and literature teachers: the motivational-value, professional-philological, operational-activity, reflexive criteria, which help determine the level of formation of the said system: the low (basic), medium (productive), high (creative) levels. As a result, it is found that the formation of the system of professionally significant values in future language and literature teachers, which affects the effectiveness of their subsequent professional teaching activities, is a complex process. This process is carried out according to four criteria, for each of which indicators have been selected to choose a diagnostic toolkit that provides the opportunity to adequately examine and evaluate the components of the teacher’s system of professionally significant values.
Key words and phrases: система профессионально значимых ценностей, учитель-филолог, эффективность профессиональной педагогической деятельности, мотивационно-ценностный критерий, профессионально-филологический критерий, операционно-деятельностный критерий, рефлексивный критерий, system of professionally significant values, language and literature teacher, effectiveness of professional teaching activities, motivational-value criterion, professional-philological criterion, operational-activity criterion, reflexive criterion
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