Key features of supporting personalized career guidance work in the digital career guidance environment of schools
Derkachev Igor Sergeevich
Voronezh State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 11.02.2024
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify the key features of supporting personalized career guidance work in the digital career guidance environment of schools. The article introduces the concepts of a digital career guidance environment, personalized career guidance work; clarifies the distinctive features of personalized career guidance work; outlines the tasks of organizing such work format in the digital career guidance environment of schools. It provides a detailed description of the actions of all participants in this process according to the selected forms and methods of career guidance work. The article describes the possibility of implementing personalized career guidance work in schools using modern methods, specifically through information and communication technologies. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the justification of not just organizing traditional career guidance work in schools but in personalizing it using modern digital technologies, achieved by orienting the implemented work around the essential characteristics of the concept of "digital career guidance environment" and the distinctive features of personalized career guidance work in the digital career guidance environment of schools. The study established that supporting personalized career guidance work in the digital career guidance environment of schools has its specifics, involving following the stages of implementing career guidance work (motivational-cognitive, diagnostic-informative, practical-activity, and actualizing), based on the activities of participants in this process (teachers and psychologists mainly support schoolchildren during the career guidance work process, while schoolchildren engage in active cognitive and practical activities in the digital environment by studying information and participating in career guidance events).
Key words and phrases: персонализация профориентации школьников, персонализированная профориентационная работа, цифровая профориентационная среда школы, personalizing students' career guidance, personalized career guidance work, digital career guidance environment of schools
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