Interdisciplinary research organization for pupils in grades 8-11 during extracurricular classes in the humanities, mathematics and natural sciences
Makotrova Galina Vasilievna, Penkov Sergey Viktorovich, Irkhin Vladimir Nikolaevich, Kormakova Valentina Nikolaevna
Belgorod State National Research University
Submitted: 13.10.2023
Abstract. The research aims to reveal the peculiarities of interdisciplinary research organization for pupils in grades 8-11 by a teacher in extracurricular classes in the humanities, mathematics and natural sciences. The paper describes the implementation of an interdisciplinary approach in Russian and foreign school education, highlights the problems of its use in the activities of Russian teachers. The authors present the results of a modeling experiment showing a low level of high school students’ readiness to establish interdisciplinary connections during the study of popular scientific texts in the humanities, mathematics and natural sciences. The scientific novelty of the work lies in determining the pedagogical conditions for organizing interdisciplinary research for pupils in grades 8-11 during extracurricular classes in the humanities, mathematics and natural sciences. As a result of organizing interdisciplinary team research for schoolchildren in the context of the interrelation of curricular and extracurricular cognitive activities, the development of pupils’ motivation to master modern scientific knowledge, creative activity, technological readiness for search activities, scientific style of thinking was noted; the deepening of the content of the academic disciplines (Chemistry, History) was achieved, maintaining its consistency and systematicity.
Key words and phrases: внеурочные занятия по гуманитарным и естественно-математическим предметам, командные междисциплинарные исследования для школьников, педагогические условия, изучение научно-популярного текста, extracurricular activities in the humanities, mathematics and natural sciences, interdisciplinary team research for schoolchildren, pedagogical conditions, study of popular science texts
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