Civic identity formation among grade schoolers through the implementation of the extracurricular activities programme of literary orientation
Peresada Oksana Valeryevna
Irkutsk State University
Submitted: 01.08.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to substantiate the need to implement a programme of civic identity formation among grade schoolers in the process of working with the short stories, novellas, poems by Russian writers in extracurricular activities. The paper discusses the importance of increasing the role of patriotic education among modern grade schoolers due to the need for society consolidation, as well as the unstable foreign political situation, aggressive information influence and the presence of military conflicts. The need to search for new forms and methods in extracurricular activities in order to create the basis of spiritual, moral and socio-cultural foundations starting from grade school is determined. The scientific novelty of the research lies in developing the programme of extracurricular activities of literary orientation that contributes to the effective civic identity formation in grade school. The programme of extracurricular activities is proposed as a result of analyzing the data of an experimental study and the identification of an insufficient level of civic identity formation among grade schoolers. During the implementation of the programme, works of Russian literature, including Siberian literature, will be studied, which will allow forming personal competencies, fostering civic and patriotic qualities, and expanding the reading experience of students.
Key words and phrases: гражданская идентичность, гражданско-патриотическое воспитание, младший школьник, внеурочная деятельность, детская литература, civic identity, civic and patriotic education, grade schooler, extracurricular activities, children’s literature
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