The problem of interaction between the class teacher and modern parents in the context of professional teacher training
Sorokovykh Galina Viktorovna, Staritsyna Svetlana Grigoriyevna, Morozova Viktoriia Igorevna
Moscow City University
Submitted: 12.07.2023
Abstract. The study aims to identify the most important current problems in the interaction between the class teacher and parents of schoolchildren of various categories. The paper substantiates the leading principles and approaches to communicative culture formation among class teachers; reveals the specifics of the pedagogical communication of the class teacher with modern parents and a pupil’s family. The work considers the most acute conflict situations and proposes the strategies for their resolution. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the theoretical substantiation of the communicative competence and polysubject approaches and principles of building rapport and the techniques of interaction between a teacher and modern parents. As a result, the paper identifies the most important problems in organising interaction between the class teacher and a pupil’s parents. The work proposes methodological recommendations for creating an effective image of the class teacher and developing his/her pedagogical skills in finding solutions in various situations of communication with a pupil’s family.
Key words and phrases: деятельность классного руководителя, субъекты образовательного пространства, коммуникативная культура учителя, педагогические конфликтные ситуации общения, activities of the class teacher, subjects of the educational space, a teacher’s communicative culture, pedagogical conflict situations of communication
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