Determining the effectiveness of peer feedback in foreign language teaching from the perspective of a student receiving feedback
Zarutckaia Ekaterina Vitalievna
St. Petersburg State University
Submitted: 27.07.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to substantiate the need to organise mutual peer feedback in foreign language teaching at a university. Mutual feedback between students involves the exchange of comments-opinions based on the results of a foreign language study assignment, in which each student acts both as the sender and as the recipient of feedback. The paper reveals the advantages of using mutual feedback exchange between students and evaluates the results of the implementation of this exchange based on a survey of students receiving feedback in foreign language teaching. The scientific novelty lies in defining the main condition for mutual feedback: feedback is not accompanied by ratings, but only by the formulation of informative comments indicating positive and problematic points. As a result of analysing the scientific literature and the empirical data obtained, the advantages and limitations of mutual peer feedback are revealed and the criteria that effective mutual feedback should meet are determined.
Key words and phrases: взаимная обратная связь между однокурсниками, студенты – получатели обратной связи, обучение иностранному языку, обмен комментариями-суждениями, mutual peer feedback, students receiving feedback, foreign language teaching, exchange of comments-opinions
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