Screening method as an effective tool for the diagnostic work of the psychological and pedagogical concilium of an educational organization on the identification of grade schoolers with learning difficulties
Moshnina Olga Vasilyevna
School № 480 named after V. V. Talalikhin
Submitted: 22.06.2023
Abstract. The study aims to substantiate the effectiveness of the diagnostic work of the psychological and pedagogical concilium on the identification of a special pedagogical group among grade schoolers, i.e. “children with learning difficulties”, using the screening method. The theoretical and methodological part of the paper is based on proven fundamental provisions in the field of psychodiagnostics in general and impaired child development in particular. The paper presents the idea of highlighting a relevant approach to the psychological and pedagogical examination of grade schoolers to identify children with impaired development through the screening method. The practical part of the paper includes information about the tools (a screening questionnaire), as well as the results of the study. The scientific novelty of the study lies in justifying the need to detail the profiles of the questionnaire for the diagnostic work of the psychological and pedagogical concilium on the identification of a special pedagogical group among grade schoolers, i.e. “children with learning difficulties”. As a result of the practical testing of the screening method, five types of academic performance of grade schoolers were identified (students with absolute school performance, with positive school performance, with variable school performance, with insufficient school performance and with negative school performance), as well as three variants of the diagnostic route, which is a scenario of the teaching activity of the psychological and pedagogical concilium in relation to the student.
Key words and phrases: психолого-педагогический консилиум, диагностическая работа, скрининговый метод, дети с трудностями в обучении, школьная успеваемость, psychological and pedagogical concilium, diagnostic work, screening method, children with learning difficulties, school performance
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