Succession of upbringing value bases in the system of general education in Russia from the epoch of Peter I to the beginning of the XXI century
Filatova Marina Nikolaevna
Corporate University of Moscow Education
Submitted: 13.07.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the succession in the system of general education of Russia from the epoch of Peter the Great to the beginning of the XXI century. The article considers one of the key problems of modern education – succession of upbringing which is conditioned by the demands of modern science and practice and the priorities of state educational policy. These demands and priorities have been declared in the Russian documents of strategic planning. The historical and pedagogical analysis is presented in the article as being one of the major methodological approaches towards the stated problem. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author has traced the trends of educational policy in Russia from the epoch of Peter the Great to the beginning of the XXI century and has revealed what had been the succession of general education during the given period. As a result, it is defined that the succession in school educational system manifests itself by maintaining and developing the value bases of upbringing which are realized upon the Russian traditional spiritual-moral values and the norms of morality and ethics being formed during centuries of our national history.
Key words and phrases: преемственность основ воспитания, ценностные основы воспитания, государственная образовательная политика, историко-педагогический анализ, общее образование, succession of upbringing bases, value bases of upbringing, state educational policy, historical and pedagogical analysis, general education
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