Forms and Methods of Performing Activity Formation among Future Teachers-Musicians in the Process of Piano Training of Students at University
Didenko Diana Leonidovna
The Gnessin State Musical College of Gnessin Russian Academy of Music; Moscow State Institute of Music named after A. G. Schnittke
Submitted: 04.01.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to substantiate the fact that the formation and development of the performing activity in the process of piano training of students at university requires a specific organization of the educational process. In this regard, the article presents the features of the process of the performing activity formation in the process of piano training of students at university. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the determination of the key forms and methods of performing activity formation in the process of students’ piano training at university. As a result, it has been proved that the process of forming the performing activity of future teachers-musicians in the process of piano training at university will be effective and efficient when using forms and methods of work based on the active involvement of students in various types of the performing process.
Key words and phrases: фортепианная подготовка, будущие педагоги-музыканты, формы формирования исполнительской активности, методы формирования исполнительской активности, piano training, future teachers-musicians, forms of performing activity formation, methods of performing activity formation
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