Pedagogical Conditions for Soft Skills Formation among Younger Schoolchildren Based on the Cooperative Learning Method
Ilaeva Railya Anisovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 05.12.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify and experimentally test the pedagogical conditions for soft skills formation among younger schoolchildren based on the cooperative learning method. The paper presents the substantiation for these conditions and discusses the results of assessing the effectiveness of their implementation. Scientific novelty of the study lies in selecting and structuring the content of the extracurricular activities programme for soft skills formation among younger schoolchildren in the conditions of cooperative learning taking into account constructive foreign experience. The cooperative learning method was chosen as the central method of forming soft skills in younger schoolchildren, its use contributed to improving the effectiveness of the indicators of the process under consideration. As a result of analysing the data obtained, it has been proved that the proposed extracurricular activities programme for soft skills formation among younger schoolchildren based on the cooperative learning method helped to develop their creative and critical thinking, skills of effective interaction with others, as well as the abilities to solve situational tasks that determine the life success of primary school graduates.
Key words and phrases: педагогические условия, программа внеурочной деятельности, формирование гибких компетенций, младшие школьники, обучение в сотрудничестве, pedagogical conditions, extracurricular activities programme, soft skills formation, younger schoolchildren, cooperative learning
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