Application of Additive Technologies in the Project Activities of Pedagogical University Students
Khrustaleva Nadezhda Vladimirovna, Loginov Alexey Nikolaevich, Loginova Daria Nikolaevna
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs (VLSU)
Submitted: 09.08.2022
Abstract. The study aims to substantiate the effectiveness of using additive technologies to improve the quality of education of students in the training programme 44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with Two Educational Programme Specialisations) “Technology. Economic Education” at higher educational institutions. The paper identifies the need for the use of additive technologies in the course of teaching pedagogical university students - future technology teachers; presents the goal and objectives of implementing a 3D project based on additive technologies when teaching 3D modelling to students; determines the skills and abilities acquired by students while working on a 3D project; describes the stages and process of working on a 3D project; substantiates the effectiveness of introducing additive technologies in the process of training students - future technology teachers aimed at the practical development of new 3D technologies and modern technical equipment. Scientific novelty lies in developing a methodology for working on a 3D project with pedagogical students within the discipline “3D Modelling in Technical Creativity”. As a result, it has been noted that one of the forms of using 3D technologies in the educational process can be students’ project activities. The authors’ analysis of the practical experience of introducing additive technologies in the educational process using the example of the project activities of students in the training programme 44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with Two Educational Programme Specialisations) “Technology. Economic Education” has shown not only an improvement in students’ spatial thinking but also their greater involvement in the educational process, which was reflected in the increased effectiveness of this process.
Key words and phrases: аддитивные технологии, проектная деятельность, учебный 3D-проект, навыки 3D-моделирования, пространственное мышление, additive technologies, project activities, 3D educational project, 3D modelling skills, spatial thinking
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