Author’s Electronic Course "English for Mining Engineers" as a Tool for Teaching a Foreign Language to Students of Engineering Specialties
Shirokolobova Anastasia Georgievna, Larionova Julia Sergeevna, Chistyakova Galina Victorovna
T. F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University
Kemerovo State Medical University
Submitted: 02.06.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to create and implement the author’s electronic course "English for Mining Engineers" developed in LMS Moodle to realize the educational process of learning a foreign language for students of the Mining Institute. The article deals with the issues of language training of engineering personnel in a technical university in the context of digital transformation of education; describes the organization of educational activity of students of the Mining Institute on the "Foreign Language" discipline based on the principles of digital didactics. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the introduction of new methods for organizing the students’ educational activity in the context of the digital transformation of education by integrating the author’s electronic course "English for Mining Engineers" into LMS Moodle to organize classroom and independent work of students of the Mining Institute of the Kuzbass State Technical University on the "Foreign Language" discipline. The results of the study are the creation of the author’s electronic course "English for Mining Engineers" in LMS Moodle for students of the Mining Institute; identification of the level of formation of language skills and abilities of students of the Mining Institute when learning a foreign language using the author’s electronic course "English for Mining Engineers" in LMS Moodle.
Key words and phrases: цифровая трансформация образования, организация аудиторной и самостоятельной работы, электронный курс, цифровая дидактика, иностранный язык, digital transformation of education, organization of classroom and independent work, electronic course, digital didactics, foreign language, LMS Moodle
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