Gouache Painting Technique in Teaching Still Life to Chinese High School Students
Chu Fan
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Submitted: 02.06.2022
Abstract. The aim of the paper is to describe the features of studying gouache techniques in painting by the example of teaching still life to Chinese schoolchildren in comprehensive educational institutions. The article discusses the main methods and techniques of working with gouache, as well as the basics of composition in building a still life in the course of teaching Chinese schoolchildren. The scientific novelty lies in the formation of methodological recommendations for teaching still life drawing to Chinese schoolchildren in comprehensive educational institutions based on Russian scientists’ works. As a result, it is shown that teaching gouache still life expands Chinese schoolchildren’s understanding of the methods and ways of still life drawing and contributes to the formation of skills in building a composition and image in a harmonious ratio of form and color; a plan for painting a gouache still life for high school students of the Chinese school is proposed.
Key words and phrases: техника рисования гуашью, натюрморт, изобразительное искусство, художественное образование в Китае, общеобразовательные учреждения, китайские школьники, gouache painting technique, still life, art, art education in China, comprehensive educational institutions, Chinese schoolchildren
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