Image Policy as a Reflection of the Corporate Culture Level of a Modern University Department
Turanina Neonila Alfredovna, Malysheva Maria Sergeevna
Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture
Submitted: 09.05.2022
Abstract. The study aims to substantiate the importance of forming the image of a modern university department in the context of corporate culture for the effective functioning of a structural unit of a higher education organisation. The paper provides a detailed description of image types undertaken by scientists of the Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture. Scientific novelty of the study lies in presenting corporate culture and the image of a university department as a whole in the socio-cultural space of a modern university. As a result, it has been proved that modern imageology is an actively developing branch of humanities research covering various spheres of social interaction. In particular, image can be considered as an integral component of modern pedagogical research when it comes to the areas of image policy and the formation of corporate culture of a structural unit of an educational organisation.
Key words and phrases: имидж кафедры вуза, корпоративная культура кафедры, социокультурное пространство вуза, имиджевая политика кафедры, image of a university department, corporate culture of a department, socio-cultural space of a university, image policy of a department
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