The Website "Pedagogical Communication" as a Means of Developing a Teacher’s Communicative Skills in the Setting of Digitalisation of Educational Processes
Trascheev Stanislav Victorovich, Kochetova Natalia Gennadievna
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
Submitted: 08.02.2022
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need to expand the list of teachers’ relevant communicative skills in the setting of professional interaction in the electronic digital educational environment through the instrumental potential of the authors’ thematic website. The paper clarifies the importance of using electronic digital teaching aids for the development of communicative skills of a modern teacher, emphasises the relevance of using a "mixed" format of education, which includes the advantages of electronic digital and traditional classical teaching aids for the development of a teacher’s communicative skills. Scientific novelty of the study lies in proposing the use of the authors’ website "Pedagogical Communication" as the main element in the formation and adjustment of an individual educational trajectory in the context of developing a teacher’s communicative skills. As a result of the study, the list of the main educational tools for the development of a teacher’s communicative skills has been formalised and important positive effects of their use have been specified.
Key words and phrases: коммуникативные умения педагога, цифровизация образовательных процессов, электронно-цифровая образовательная среда, педагогическая коммуникация, индивидуальная образовательная траектория, communicative skills of a teacher, digitalisation of educational processes, electronic digital educational environment, pedagogical communication, individual educational trajectory
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