Preschool Ethnocultural Education of the Udmurt Republic: Current State and Development Factors
Borodina Anna Evgenevna, Nikolaeva Elena Arkadevna
Research Institute of National Education
Submitted: 05.11.2022
Abstract. The aim of the research is to present the specifics of the development of modern preschool ethnocultural education of the Udmurt Republic. The paper provides a detailed analysis of the results obtained during the monitoring study “The Current State and Dynamics of the Ethnolinguistic Situation in the Field of Education of the Udmurt Republic”, conducted in the Udmurt Republic in 2020. Scientific novelty of the research lies in identifying the factors contributing to the development of modern preschool ethnocultural education of the Udmurt Republic. As a result, the authors have analysed the ethnolinguistic situation in the Udmurt Republic on the basis of the monitoring study “The Current State and Dynamics of the Ethnolinguistic Situation in the Field of Education of the Udmurt Republic”, have identified and substantiated the factors contributing to the development of modern preschool ethnocultural education in the Udmurt Republic.
Key words and phrases: дошкольное этнокультурное образование, родной удмуртский язык, кружковая работа, основная образовательная деятельность, организация досуга дошкольников, preschool ethnocultural education, native Udmurt language, hobby group work, basic educational activity, organisation of leisure for preschoolers
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