Digital Media as a Means for Forming Foreign-Language Communicative Competence and Universal Skills in Students of Non-Linguistic Universities
Kodrle Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, Savchenko Anna Aleksandrovna
Kuban State University
Submitted: 04.01.2022
Abstract. The study aims to shed light on the didactic potential of digital media in foreign language teaching in higher education. The paper examines the role that digital media play in the educational process, in the formation of foreign-language communicative competence, which involves the mastery of productive and receptive types of speech activity, as well as in the formation of universal skills in students of non-linguistic universities. The study is novel in that it is the first in Russian scientific discourse to classify digital educational media on the basis of functions that they perform in educational activities, as well as to correlate digital educational media with individual components of students’ foreign-language communicative competence and universal skills formed with their help. As a result of a comprehensive analysis, it has been proved that modern digital media are a didactic tool in the formation of foreign-language communicative competence and universal skills in students of non-linguistic universities, their inclusion in the educational process makes it possible to address a wide range of relevant tasks of modern higher education.
Key words and phrases: цифровые медиа, иноязычная коммуникативная компетенция, универсальные умения, рецептивные виды речевой деятельности, продуктивные виды речевой деятельности, образовательные медиа, digital media, foreign-language communicative competence, universal skills, receptive types of speech activity, productive types of speech activity, educational media
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