Professional Component of the Content of Architecture Students’ Foreign Language Training
Tarabarina Yulia Alekseevna
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)
Submitted: 09.01.2022
Abstract. The study aims to identify the speech skills and speech genres that make up the professional component of the content of architecture students’ foreign language training, taking into account the analysis of the requirements outlined in the professional standard "The Architect". The paper considers an integrative cross-cultural professionally oriented approach and content and language integrated learning as fundamental approaches to teaching a professional foreign language and selecting teaching content, which include the following components of the content of foreign language education: professional, foreign-language communicative, cross-cultural. The researcher identifies the principles for the selection of the content of professional foreign language training, i.e. correspondence to the education programme specialisation and to the requirements of the labour market, the genre principle of selecting authentic texts as educational material, the topical nature of educational tasks, cooperation of teachers of foreign languages and vocation-related subjects when selecting teaching content. By analysing the professional standard, the paper identifies job functions of an architect, which require the formation of UK-4 (a transferable skill) among university graduates, and the corresponding speech skills, the main speech genres that are a part of architectural institutional discourse. Scientific novelty of the study lies in determining the professional component of architecture students’ foreign language training. As a result, speech skills and speech genres the acquisition of which will allow students to generate written and oral institutional architectural discourse have been identified.
Key words and phrases: речевые умения, речевые жанры, межкультурный профессионально ориентированный подход, предметно-языковое интегрированное обучение, архитектурный дискурс, speech skills, speech genres, cross-cultural professionally oriented approach, content and language integrated learning, architectural discourse
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