Forming Digital Competence among the Humanities and Computer Science Students When Teaching the Description of Infographics
Kovaleva Alexandra Georgievna, Ushakova Anastasia Denisovna
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Submitted: 03.11.2021
Abstract. The paper proposes a model of digital competence of the humanities and computer science students. Digital skills are required to present scientific findings in a foreign language. The article justifies the necessity to form students’ digital competence which allows them to present scientific findings in the form of infographics using cross-cutting digital technologies. Scientific originality of the study involves identifying differences in the formation of foreign-language competence in the description of infographics among students of different training areas. As a result, it is shown that the humanities and computer science students manifest different levels of digital competence, which conditions the necessity to develop this competence. The research findings are as follows: the authors propose a model of student researcher digital competence, describe the stages of teaching the description of infographics (introductory, lexico-grammatical, preparatory, practical, digital). For each stage the authors develop a set of professionally oriented tasks aimed to improve students’ digital competence.
Key words and phrases: цифровая компетенция, обучение описанию инфографики, иностранный язык, студент, гуманитарные науки, компьютерные науки, digital competence, teaching the description of infographics, foreign language, student, humanities, computer science
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