Organizing Individual Work of Students on Drawing in Higher School
Bostanov Magomet Sosuranovich, Dereva Raia Mazhitovna
Karachay-Circassian State University named after U. D. Aliev
Submitted: 15.10.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to give reasons for the possibility of development of students’ self-education skills based on the individualization of learning through the organization of individual work on drawing. The analysis of the scientific and methodological works of psychologists, pedagogists, teaching artists of the past and the present has allowed actualizing in the article the problem of the organization of students’ individual work on drawing at the current stage of education development. The role of drawing in the professional education of an artist, teaching artist, designer and the importance of individual work on this subject in the condition of the need for daily exercises for mastering the visual art literacy have been identified. Motivating factors for self-education, self-development, including the teachers’ ways to stimulate and support students’ individual work, have been considered. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that it supports the methodological recommendations for the organization of students’ individual work on drawing in accordance with the modern paradigm of requirements for the specialists which mainly consist in their ability to gain knowledge independently - in the skills of self-development (in the scientific and creative ways), self-education, search for innovations. As a result of the analysis of teaching materials and personal experience, methodological guidelines for the support of teaching drawing to students through the individual form of work have been formulated.
Key words and phrases: самостоятельная работа, рисунок, высшая школа, индивидуализации обучения, художник, individual work, drawing, higher school, individualizations of learning, artist
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