Dramatization Technique When Teaching a Foreign Language to 8th-9th-Grade Pupils (by the Example of the English Language)
Sheveleva Irina Alexandrovna, Yakimovich Irina Gennadievna
Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky
Submitted: 25.08.2021
Abstract. The paper reveals didactic potential of dramatization as a means to develop 8th-9th grade pupils’ foreign language competence. The article describes gaming technologies, identifies specific features of games-dreams and formal dramatizations, considers the problem of introducing different types of dramatization - improvisation, imitation, pantomime, etc. The authors propose theoretically justified and experimentally approbated model to introduce dramatization as an interactive technology into English language education of 8th-9th grade pupils, identify psychological and pedagogical conditions for introducing dramatization into foreign language education, and herein lies scientific originality of the study. The research findings are as follows: the authors clarify pedagogical notion "interactive game", reveal multi-aspect potential of dramatization as a means to form learners’ foreign language competences, evaluate the results of introducing dramatization as a tool to develop 8th-9th grade pupils’ auditory-articulatory and rhythmic-prosodic skills, expressive language skills, creative thinking skills, group work skills.
Key words and phrases: драматизация, интерактивная технология, преподавание иностранного языка, средняя школа, английский язык, dramatization, interactive technology, foreign language teaching, secondary school, English language
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