Essence of the Notion "Communicative Approach" in the Modern Foreign Language Teaching Methodology
Davydova Yulia Grigorjevna
Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics
Submitted: 11.10.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the advisability of relying on a communicative approach in the foreign language teaching methodology at universities. The paper determines prerequisites for the emergence of a communicative approach in the methodology; clarifies principles formulated by E. I. Passov’s Lipetsk Methodological School regarding communicative foreign language education; systematises researchers’ views on the component composition of university students’ communicative competence; presents a theoretical integrative model of students’ communicative competence; proposes a technology for the formation of linguistic, speech, linguopragmatic and sociocultural components of students’ communicative competence. Scientific novelty of the study lies in elaborating a theoretical integrative model of university students’ communicative competence and a technology for the formation of linguistic, speech, linguopragmatic and sociocultural components of the communicative competence. As a result of the study, the author substantiates the advisability of relying on a communicative approach in the university foreign language teaching methodology from the standpoint of goal-setting, i.e. the formation of students’ communicative competence, and a teaching technology, involving the use of a set of communicative-oriented tasks in the learning process that are aimed at the development of linguistic, speech, linguopragmatic and sociocultural competencies.
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