Forming Senior Pupils’ Sociolinguistic Competence When Teaching English on the Basis of Literary Texts Containing Allusive Names
Ananyina Marina Aleksandrovna
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Submitted: 22.08.2021
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to develop methodology to form senior pupils’ sociolinguistic competence when teaching English on the basis of literary texts, to identify criteria for choosing linguistic content. The article clarifies the content of the notion "sociolinguistic competence", analyzes sociolinguistic information contained in classical and modern literary texts. The conclusion is made that vertical context has changed over time. In this connection the author discusses the problem of choosing the content of teaching sociolinguistic competence. Scientific originality of the study involves developing methodology to form senior pupils’ sociolinguistic competence when teaching English on the basis of literary texts containing allusive names. The following conclusions are justified: the content of teaching sociolinguistic competence in senior classes should include normative data of thesaurus dictionaries, fragments of literary texts, movie scripts, TV scripts.
Key words and phrases: социолингвистическая компетенция, упражнения, аллюзивные имена, урок английского языка, старшая школа, sociolinguistic competence, exercises, allusive names, English lesson, senior school
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