Organising Distance Learning for Non-Linguistic Students in the Context of the Pandemic
Gramma Darya Victorovna, Sergienko Natalia Anatolievna
Surgut State University
Submitted: 12.05.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to analyse features of organising distance learning for non-linguistic students in the context of the pandemic. The article examines advantages and disadvantages of distance learning in higher education institutions, presents results of a survey that has revealed students’ opinions on various aspects of online education during the ongoing pandemic. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the authors’ assessment of students’ distance learning organisation in the context of the pandemic reveals the necessary forward-looking measures for online education organisation in higher education institutions. As a result, the study has clarified the notion "distance learning" in connection with digital transformation of the higher education system, identified positive and negative aspects in distance learning organisation in higher education institutions during the pandemic, identified the measures necessary for effective organisation of distance learning.
Key words and phrases: дистанционное обучение, студенты неязыковых направлений, пандемия, онлайн-образование, дистанционные технологии обучения, distance learning, non-linguistic students, pandemic, online education, distance learning technologies
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