Non-Formal Education for the Older Generation Representatives as Factor of Their Active Ageing
Gordina Olga Vasilevna, Gordin Aleksandr Innokentevich
Irkutsk State University
Submitted: 10.05.2021
Abstract. The study aims to determine psychological and pedagogical conditions for organising non-formal education for the older generation representatives, which contributes to their active ageing. The authors have presented the main approaches to defining the concepts "non-formal education", "third age", "active ageing", "andragogical interaction", "tertiary socialisation", "higher public school". The article substantiates relevance of organising non-formal education to promote the older people’s active ageing, determines learning process specificity in the third age, proves andragogical interaction effectiveness for the older people’s tertiary socialisation as a basis for their active ageing. The authors have determined psychological and pedagogical conditions for organising non-formal education for the older generation representatives. Scientific novelty lies in developing an organisational and methodological system of education for the elderly in the context of trends in modern education development and constructing new educational reality on this basis as an implementable authors’ project. As a result of the study, non-formal education importance for longevity of the elderly is confirmed, psychological and pedagogical conditions for organising this activity are identified. Using quantitative and qualitative diagnostic methods, the authors have proved non-formal education effectiveness for the older people’s tertiary socialisation as a basis for their active ageing.
Key words and phrases: неформальное образование, представители старшего поколения, активное долголетие, психолого-педагогические условия, организационно-методическая система образования, non-formal education, older generation representatives, active ageing, psychological and pedagogical conditions, organisational and methodological system of education
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