Expanding Predictive Function of Educational Comparative Studies in the Context of Globalisation
Benin Vladislav Lvovich, Pleshakova Anastasia Yurievna
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla
Ural State Mining University
Submitted: 04.02.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to structure the theory and to create a tool for conducting comparative studies in the field of vocational education with a focus on the predictive function. In the article, the authors analyse approaches to understanding prediction in the field of education developed by the Russian and foreign researchers, which are designated as a methodological framework of the study. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it presents a concept of the structured theory of comparative vocational education with emphasis on the predictive function and a tool for conducting comparative studies which are focused on educational transfer prediction. As a result, current development of comparative education is characterised, a concept of the structured theory of comparative vocational education and a scientifically grounded tool for a comparative analysis with the predictive function are presented.
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