Authentic Feature Film as Means to Form Teenagers’ Foreign-Language Linguo-Sociocultural Competence under Conditions of Additional Education
Lubyanova Marina Alekseevna, Ovsyannikova Alla Viktorovna
Southern Federal University
Submitted: 02.02.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to justify reasonability of using authentic feature films when forming teenagers’ linguo-sociocultural competence under the conditions of additional foreign-language education. The educational potential of authentic feature films is revealed. It is noted that authentic feature films broaden teenagers’ worldview, correlate with their life experience and serve as a means to form learners’ linguo-sociocultural competence. Scientific originality of the study involves identifying criteria for choosing authentic feature films when developing senior pupils’ linguo-sociocultural competence. The research findings are as follows: the authors suggest an example of a modern feature film that can be used to form teenagers’ linguo-sociocultural competence in the process of teaching foreign-language communication.
Key words and phrases: аутентичный художественный фильм, иноязычная лингвосоциокультурная компетенция, подросток, дополнительное образование, индивидуальная картина мира, authentic feature film, foreign-language linguo-sociocultural competence, teenager, additional education, individual worldview
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