Team and Interactive Methods of Teaching as Means to Form Secondary School Pupils’ Financial Competence
Shingaev Sergei Mikhailovich, Medved' Irina Valer'evna
Saint Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Submitted: 02.03.2020
Abstract. The research objective includes theoretical and experimental justification of a model to form financial competence using active teaching methods. The paper provides theoretical foundations of an integration model, the efficiency of which was justified by statistical data. It is proved that team and interactive methods raise efficiency of teaching if used together with the moderation technology. Scientific originality of the study includes developing an efficient model to form financial competence under the conditions of the class-and-lesson system; the proposed educational module can be used within the framework of the social science course. The research findings are as follows: the publication fills the existing gaps in studies on the use of team and interactive methods to form secondary school pupils’ financial competence; the authors develop an efficient and up-to-date competence formation model, which includes the moderation technology and the Singaporean methodology and is based on team and interactive methods of teaching. The proposed model is especially relevant in the light of upcoming modernization of educational content stipulated by the necessity to introduce larger pieces of financial information.
Key words and phrases: финансовая грамотность, модель формирования финансовой грамотности, образовательная технология, технология модерации, командные и диалоговые методы обучения, "навыки XXI века": креативность, критическое мышление, коммуникация и координация, financial competence, model to form financial competence, educational technology, moderation technology, team and interactive methods of teaching, XXI-century skills, creativity, critical thinking, communication and coordination
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