Advantages of Using AR ("Augmented Reality") Technology in the Process of Teaching a Foreign Language to Non-Linguistic Students
Semenova Galina Vladimirovna
Tula State University
Submitted: 28.11.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to a relevant problem of introducing AR ("Augmented Reality") technology in the process of teaching a foreign language to non-linguistic students. The researcher’s attention is focused on advantages of using this technology when forming learners’ professional foreign-language competence. The paper aims to show advantages of using AR technology when forming students’ professional foreign-language competence. The experiment results allow concluding about reasonability of introducing AR technology in the process of non-linguistic students’ foreign-language training.
Key words and phrases: информационные технологии, дополненная реальность, технология "Augmented Reality" (AR), профессиональная иноязычная компетенция, мобильное изучение языков, компьютерные тренажеры, неязыковой вуз, information technologies, augmented reality, AR ("Augmented Reality") technology, professional foreign-language competence, mobile language learning, virtual simulators, non-linguistic higher education establishment
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