Didactic Principles of the Program "Philosophy for Children" (M. Lipman) in the Light of Universal Competences Conception
Tylik Artem Yur'evich
Lyceum № 597
Submitted: 13.01.2020
Abstract. The article for the first time examines M. Lipman’s program "Philosophy for Children" as a potentially efficient instrument to form schoolchildren’s universal competences (4C: critical thinking, creative thinking, communication and cooperation). The researcher identifies the program didactic principles, which can serve as a basis of pedagogics focused on "4C" formation: problem-based and activity-based approach, class as a community of researchers, Socratic dialogue. It is shown that in M. Lipman’s program "Philosophy for Children", the process of universal competences formation (XXI-century skills) is harmoniously included in the integral and consistent educational process.
Key words and phrases: универсальные компетентности, навыки XXI века, философия для детей, критическое мышление, М. Липман, проблемно-деятельностный подход, universal competences, XXI-century skills, philosophy for children, critical thinking, M. Lipman, problem-based and activity-based approach
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