Musina Aigul' Al'bertovna, Shkilev Roman Evgen'evich
Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 25.12.2018
Abstract. The article identifies and analyses educational podcasts as the most efficient means to develop English speaking skills among senior pupils. The paper proposes a definition of the notion "podcast", provides a brief classification of podcasts according to their content, describes the ways and advantages of using podcasts to improve senior pupils’ English speaking skills. The descriptive method was applied when studying the use of educational podcasts to improve English speaking skills. The comparative analysis of podcasts allowed identifying positive aspects of their usage in educational activity.
Key words and phrases: подкасты, английский язык, методы обучения английскому языку, обучающиеся, учебный процесс, podcasts, English language, methods of teaching English, learners, educational process
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