Prokof'eva Ilona Vladimirovna, Demidov Sergei Gennad'evich
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Submitted: 16.05.2018
Abstract. The article deals with the use of technical drawing in teaching one of the main sections of engineering graphics - projective drawing. The complexity of studying this section is often associated with inadequate awareness of the geometric statement of the problem, which requires its materialized explanation. The basic tools of technical drawing can help in this field; one can master them directly solving projection problems. An example of the organization of classes on studying the means of technical drawing used in Bauman Moscow State Technical University is given.
Key words and phrases: технический университет, графическая подготовка, инженерная графика, технический рисунок, проекционное черчение, technical university, graphic training, engineering graphics, technical drawing, projective drawing
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